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STERI-CYCLE i160 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Thermo scientific STERI-CYCLE i160 User Manual. Chapter 1 Delivery of the Incubator. The Thermo Scientific Forma Steri-Cycle i160 direct heat CO2 incubator series represents a new era in advanced incubator design. Delivering the performance Thermo Scientific™ Forma™ Steri-Cycle™ i160 CO2 Incubator with Cell Locker™ CO2 Incubator, 165 L per chamber, Copper. CO2 Sensor: IR Sensor;50144829 A August 10, 2015. Thermo Scientific. STERI-CYCLE i160/. STERI-CYCLE i250. CO. 2. Incubator. User Manual View and Download Thermo Scientific STERI-CYCLE i160 user manual online. CO2 Incubator. STERI-CYCLE i160 laboratory equipment pdf manual download. The Thermo Scientific™ Forma™ Steri-Cycle™ i160 CO2 incubator with the The Cell Locker can be manually disinfected or can be autoclaved a maximum. CO2 Sensor: IR Sensor; Temperature Range: Ambient +3°C to 55°C Shop Thermo Scientific™ Forma™ Steri-Cycle™ i160 CO2 Incubator Dual Chamber,
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